It was launched by the Ministry of Economy, on July 11, 2018, the Credit Line “Capitalizar 2018”.
Companies can contact one of the registered banks and submit their application. This facility has an overall amount of EUR 1,600 million and is subdivided into five specific lines:
- The “Micro and Small Companies” line – worth 450 million euros – aims to improve conditions and facilitate access to credit for Micro and Small Enterprises;
- “Industry 4.0 / Scanning Support” line – in the amount of 100 million euros, aims to improve and facilitate access to credit for companies that develop, produce or acquire technological solutions within the scope of Industry 4.0;
- “Working Capital” line – amounting to 700 million euros, is intended to finance working capital needs of companies;
- The “Plafond de Treasury” line – 150 million euros, aims to extend the offer of credit in a revolving system, giving greater flexibility to the treasury management;
- Investment Line – this line is structured as follows:
a) “Projects 2020” appropriation – in the amount of 100 million euros, for financing operations of eligible expenses of projects approved and contracted under the Portugal 2020 Program.
b) “General” appropriation – in the amount of 100 million euros, for financing operations of investment projects located in the NUT II Regions of Lisbon and Algarve or for investment projects in the activities developed by the company included in the list of CAE to be disclosed by Line Manager or to non-SME companies as defined in Recommendation 2003/361 / EC.
This information does not prejudice the full reading of the document.