ANEME is collaborating with OxyCapital in the presentation of the Center for Business Expansion Fund (FRC), as it represents an excellent opportunity for companies with expansion projects.
OxyCapital is a venture capital company, currently with more than 1,000 million euros in management in four funds. These funds are divided into two areas: restructuring and growth. The restructuring aspect is intended for investments in viable but highly leveraged companies. The growth aspect, which we focus on in this newsletter, is aimed at healthy companies with growth potential.
In the growth area, OxyCapital haes under management the Fund Revitalize Center (FRC), launched in August 2013. The total investment of this fund is EUR 80 million, 50% of which is financed by EU funds through FINOVA and the remaining 50 % by 7 of the largest national banks. The fund’s focus is on capital injection into SMEs with sustainable business models, growth potential and / or viable innovation, expansion and / or modernization projects. Up to now, investments have been made in 24 companies in various industries and sectors, from molds, metal structures or ceramics to energy efficiency, biotechnology or distribution of fruits and vegetables; and in various types of projects since new companies and start-up projects to the organic growth of sound companies.
Companies qualifying for this fund must meet the following conditions:
- Being a SME;
- Being present in the centre zone (according to NUTS II);
- Having an expansive project, innovative and/or modernized and about to start;
- Not having financial difficulties.
There is a lot of flexibility to structure a FRC investment, each solution being tailored to the project presented and the needs of the company. There are, however, some cross-sectional features:
- Amount: €1,5M (til €3M);
- Application: investment in tangible assets, operating fund or shareholder matching;
- Method: capital increase with minor position a,debit instruments, exceptionally, financing without immediate participation in the capital stock
- Follow-up: quarterly meetings with managers and / or shareholders of the company, without direct influence on day-to-day management.
In the following LINK you can find a detailed presentation about OxyCapital and the Fund Revitalize Center.